fredag 9 april 2010

another friday

Its raining outside. Very grey, bpring day.

I need a pick me up. Im too low again. But I don't want to weight you down.

The job interviews got turned down and my still hopes for the summer is now vanished.

I need you by my side baby. Thats allmost all I think about.

I need something to do, and I need money. I have these cravings of things I wanna buy. More than usual. I suppose it's because there is little chance in the world I can buy anything at all at the moment and that makes me feel this way.

I read something that was embroidered on a peice of cloth on the wall at grandmas house last sunday. (we were there to celebrate easter. Ate lamb and eggs and all and all it was very nice, we laughed alot.)
It says:
Happiness is
to have something to do
someone to love and
something to hope for.

And I think it's very true.
That is my goal in life, as it is right now. (that and to keep myself healthy and diciplined)

Happiness lies in the small simple things.
Good food, good company,family, nature, culture, hobbies. Doing somehting for another person. Making someone smile and laugh. Being a part of a crowd, joined together by a single thing. Being alone in the nature, enjoying the weather and colours. But mostly, you are the most happy when you can share a moment with someone dear to you. Those are the moments you take to your heart and remember for a long time.

In my heart there is still a hope for us to have many of those happy moments together.

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