lördag 16 januari 2010


I get flashbacks from my trip all the time. Some makes me think and analyse, some makes me warm inside with a smile on my face. Some leave me quite depressed when I think of what I can't have. (You)

But Ulises, Im gonna do it!
Im gonna turn my situation around.
You say nothing happened to me during this trip.
I havnt forgotten our talks about my bad behaviour patterns.
And the way I react to things. My lazyness and selfpity.

I dont think I can change every bad thing about me.
But I'll try.

I dont know what the future holds for us, I really don't. But I hope it holds something, cause you make me feel good inside. And I love you.

Sorry for the past romanticism...but its a part of me, like the part that loves art and music. And im sorry if it is strange for you. Cause I wish I could share it.
(I guess i fell in love with you all over again, not meaning i fell out before, but It deepened and the reality of my boring life here without you hit me once again)

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