måndag 15 mars 2010


Things were looking up alittle today. (were)

I came in time (!) and I did what I should in there, filed a job application and decided what jobcoach I wanted. Allmost fell asleep, but managed not to..there is something about that place, about staring at a computer screen that early in the morning that makes me soooo sleepy.
And I had a tasty lunch with me, the jobcoach smiled when I came (on time again) after lunch and signed in my name again.
Well so far so good..

Then...I came to the store and were going to groseryshop and I was going to pay in the counter..and it said "does not agree" in the little monitor. So I had to go out and extract money and go back and take away some stuff of the list to be able to pay.
And now I have no money in my account. :S
And there is half the month left.
I have alittle on a savings account...but it wont last that long.

I hate this.
I don't want to live in these kind of circumstances!

And I can't come to late to the jobplace or they will kick me out.
Im in quite a spot now.
And the damn washing machine doesnt work.
Just great. Awesome...

And on top of it, Im thinking about you...far too much and I miss you. Everything about you. I keep thinking about all the little details I love about you and the arousing ones and I blush...and I wish you were here.
I want to dance.
I want to take your clothes off...
But you're there. Faar far away in a far off land on a far away continent.

And all I can do here is focus on material, practical things.
I guess it's a nice change. Well needed one. And it takes my mind off my loneliness a little...

You have to promise to come here soon. To make my life full of colours again. To make me relax, to make me smile and shine. And I'll promise you'll be proud of me, that I'll make you happy and that you'll feel good.
Please..I don't want to wait too long...

Time to wash the dishes, prepair lunch for tomorrow, watch "community college" and then straight to bed.
Tomorrow is another day. And I can't be late...

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