söndag 11 juli 2010

Hot summers night

I'm lying here in my bed at night and I can't sleep.
I'm supposed to wake up in six hours because I have to go to work then.
I can hardly believe that sentence. Me? Work?!
But it's true. I've finally manage to get a job, an occupation, employment!

But I can't sleep. It's so hot in here. Even though it's midnight the heat from the day lingers and keep me from sleeping.
All the thoughts and questions swarming in my brain doesn't help either.

Neither does the song wich goes like this: "målet är ingenting - vägen är allalalallalalallt".
It means "the destination means nothing- the journey means everything" or "everythihihihihing" hehe.
A very good song and it doesn't leave me alone.

I'm thinking about my future, what I want in life. I'm thinking about this new job and if I'll manage it well. Im thinking about my finantial situation, about education and I'm thinking about love and relationships.

With hope that this little writing will have lifted some mental burdons I'll retire to my bed again.
Let tomorrow be a good day.

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