fredag 11 juni 2010

Grattitude - the healing power

I'm thankful for:
- having both parents alive and well.
- having a great sister that I can talk to and joke with without much problem.
I don't belive close sisters like these grows on trees.
- that my mum has found a good love at last. Someone she can be herself with
and do all things she feels like together with him.
- my dad. His optimism, spiritualism and generosity. His nonhesitant will to help. His inspiration.
And the mere practical fact that he let's me stay in his apartment practically for free.
- my cat rudi. His truly a gift from above. I couldn't gave wished for a better cat. He is all I ever wanted in a cat.
So affectionate and never afraid.
- my talents that have been given me for some reason. I'm very happy o have them. Without them I'd be nothing special at all.
My love for music is what brings me most joy. I'm happy I can appreciate music the way I do. It enrichens life in a great way.
- my two years in the art school and most importantly the first one where I grew
and learned and got to experience many new things and people.
- the fact that I'm alive is enough to be thankful of.
- that I'm not living in a place shaken by the terror and misery of war.
- the fact that I'm in reasonably good physical shape.
- that I'm young and still have many years to be a better person.
- all friends I have and have had. The fun times we had. The thoughts and interests we shared. The support they gave me and acceptance.
- last but definitely not least; Ulises. That a twist of destiny put him in my path. The strange and wonderful man who has taught and showed me so much. Given me so much. So much love, appreciation, guiding and time. That has blessed my life with his presence ( if you read it you may think I'm overdoing it but I'm not. All is true. ) inspired me. Impressed me. Touched my heart so many times I can't count them. And made me feel really special too. For that I'm forever grateful.

I could write more.
This list isn't ranked in order of importance.

I lay in my bed thinking about my problems and realized of my dads words of grattitude. How he is thankful every morning for being able to wake up and live another day.
And I realize of my own smallmindedness.
We all need to be more grateful for the things we have.

I know I do atleast.

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